If you are a newbie and looking to start your own blog or going to host your website by your own, then you may be confused about the Web Hosting Terms. When it comes to web hosting, if you don’t have proper knowledge then you may be choosing the worst by looking at the pricing plans. So it is very much important to check what is important for a reliable hosting package and how it helps your website to give better performance and so on.
Normally, Hosting Plans, Packages, Pricing & Features will vary from One Hosting to Other Hosting Company.
Important things in Choosing a Hosting Package
- Disk Space allocated for your website. Normally, hosting is the place where you will store all your website data online. If it is a light weight website, then it will allocate up to 500MB disk space and if it is a heavy website then it may go upto 20 GB of Disk Space.
- Monthly Bandwidth is another important factor to be noticed. If suppose, you building your new website then it is enough to have bandwidth limit up to 5000MB. If there will be regular traffic, then it is enough to have 10000MB bandwidth. If it doesn’t suits your website then better move to unlimited bandwidth and which cost little more than the limited bandwidth.
- Account Creation limit. In basic packages you can’t find any options to create FTP, Sub Domains or any Add-On Domains. Because the features will be allocated based on the pricing.
- Email Accounts were very much important to look when it comes to web hosting. Because if you have a business website then you will create some business mail id for secured and trusted communication with the customer or vendors. So checking the Email Account limitations will be very helpful & Effective too.
- Dedicated IP Address – Some website hosting will provide you dedicated IP Address for your website which is an great advantage.
- Before you looking into the packages you create a checklist based on your needs. So that it will be very much helpful to choose the best hosting.