Web hosting services are many as you can they advertise around you through different platforms with affordable packages that must satisfy your knowledge, because that’s how they form a package for advertising. Morethan the amount of disk space, RAM or Bandwidth they include in packages to attract you, there are things beyond them for taking into consideration. You have to spend some time to research on them about their server configuration, hardware utilized, technical expertise who can support you at any point and their guaranteed uptime.
Let us come to the core of today’s topic to find the signs of web hosting that are holding back make your website.
Does your website have Slow loading time?
Loading time is the time taken for loading your website when a visitor is trying to access. It is assumed that one second of slow in website speed reduces 7% of sales conversion. Website speed has to be highly noted since Google is considering it as a ranking factor.
Whilst there are many reasons behind this, like more number of plugins, kind of theme and the web hosting you choose. Well configured, high performing servers can improve your website speed, to be simple you can go for shared to VPS hosting.
Are you with bad IP Reputation?
Every server will have its own IP address. When your website is on shared hosting, you have to be very concerned. Other website hosted on the same IP address can be affected by malware or some inappropriate action, which will directly impact on your website as well, that will end up in losing search engine ranking of your website. Most whacky thing is that the website owner won’t be aware of such things are happening on their website.
A good hosting provider should have a wide range of security features added to their package, which includes email monitoring, intrusion monitoring, server monitoring, firewalls, and dedicated IP addresses.
Web hosting is a crucial part when your business is highly reliant on digital world. When you’re choosing a sophisticated web hosting service, in a long run you no need to worry about anything regarding website performance. So, pick a wise web hosting service provider health of your site and business.